Thursday, January 5, 2023

How to plan your move overseas and your arrival in your new country

family planning a move overseas

If you're thinking of moving overseas this year, there is no better time than now to start making your plans and considering everything you need to do to make your move successful. There is a lot to think about when you're moving abroad and the longer you give yourself, the less stressful the whole process will be. In fact, effective planning can actually save you a lot of money - even just choosing the best way and timing to transfer your money can give you enough money to pay for all of your move costs! But planning your departure is only the first half. Successful migrants also plan carefully their arrival in their new country. The more research and organisation you do before you leave home, the more quickly you can adjust and settle into your new home. In the second part of this series, we are looking at what you need to consider for your actual move as well as planning to make your arrival in your new country as smooth as possible. If you missed part 1 on making your initial plans and planning for leaving the UK, you can read it here.

Article updated. First published 02/02/2018

Planning your actual move

Planning your move overseas

1. Planning the removals process

Don’t leave this too late. You need to find a reputable international removals company and organise a home survey to get a quote. There is also forms and other paperwork you need to take care of before your move so ideally begin contacting companies at least 3-4 months before your estimated move date. If you are moving your whole house or part house contents you can get a quote or more information here. There are also many cost-effective options to send boxes or other luggage to help you get started in your new home. Click here to get an online quote.

2. What to take / what not to

You will need to understand the customs regulations of the country you are moving to as well as what is and what is not worth taking. This can depend on cost and availability in your new country. Your removals company can advise you on this, but our downloadable customs guides will help get you started..

3. Pets

You need to decide whether it’s feasible to take your pets with you and if not, find them a suitable foster home in the UK. We recommend talking to a pet relocation specialist such as Transfur International Pet Relocation or Pets Abroad UK for advice on this. Both of these family-run businesses offer outstanding service and advice.

4. Should you take your car, boat or other vehicles?

If you are going to another right-hand drive country this is certainly worth considering. It can be transferred in the same container as your personal belongings or separately. There will be some local legal requirements so it's best to check out our car shipping page and speak to one of our advisers who will be able to help you decide whether it's worth taking your car.

5. Planning your Finances

This needs careful consideration to make your money go as far as possible. It’s good to start early so you can look at all the options available.
  • Moving budget – How much is going to cost you to move?
  • Money transfer – How much money can you save using a specialist international money transfer agent instead of your bank?
  • Emergency fund – How much money can you set aside for emergencies or making an urgent trip back to the UK?
  • Pension transfer – Should you keep your pension in the UK or transfer to your new country?

6. What are the options for healthcare and travel insurance?

Even if your new country has the equivalent of the National Health Service it may not be as comprehensive as you are used to in the UK. Fortunately, private health care can be very cost-effective in many countries.

7. Where can get the best flight deals and should you do a tour or stopover?

Contrary to popular opinion the best flight deals are not always available online and can often be bettered especially if you plan in advance. Also, should you do a stop-over or even a world tour on your way to your new country? We have noticed a trend among many of customers to use the time whilst their goods are in transition to have a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel and see the world. Check out our travel partners for some amazing deals.

Planning Your Arrival

Family arriving in new country

1. Orientation

Even if not stressful, it would have bound to be a rush leading up to your move, so it is important to allow some time to take a breath and orient yourself in your new country. Treat the first week or two as a holiday rather than rushing into your new job and life.

2. The delivery of your goods

You will also need to plan the delivery of your goods. Roughly when will they arrive? Will your new home be ready to receive them? It may be a good idea to arrange back up plan for storage just in case. PSS will be able to help you with this.

3. Bank accounts

It is a good idea to arrange new bank accounts before you even leave the UK. This will be one thing less to worry about on arrival and also ensure you have some funds easily available. This can also be a bureaucratic process once you arrive as different paperwork and proof of address will be required.

4. Your new job

It’s a good idea to plan ahead of starting your new job or have a good list of contacts and resources so you can hit the ground running if you are looking for work. Think about what supporting documents you may need such as written references and evidence of qualifications.

5. Accommodation

What’s your plan and budget for initial accommodation – hotel, bed, and breakfast or Airbnb? Longer-term are you renting or buying? What are the prices in different neighbourhoods?

6. Schools

You will need to check out the availability and entry requirements ahead of time. Some families also plan their move to fit in with the school year in the country they are moving to.

7. Healthcare

Hopefully something you won’t need but it is good to be prepared with regard to emergency contacts and longer-term healthcare.

8. Settling in budget

You will need to think carefully about your initial settling-in costs and you are going to make your migration fund last. This should help motivate you to start saving now.

9. Settling into your new neighbourhood

Planning ahead to settle in can make you feel more at home and reduce that listless feeling on arrival. For example, you can look for local British expat communities and also interest groups in your new country that you are familiar with in the UK e.g. Church, hobbies, and interest groups. This way you can quickly integrate into your new community, reduce the risk of homesickness and find some helpful local contacts.

Making your move overseas

There is a lot to consider when you make your move overseas, but don’t be daunted. Take it step by step and keep evolving and adding detail to your plan as you go. Feel free to contact PSS International Removals for help, advice and also a free Home Survey or shipping quote. Our advisers will be able to answer all your questions about the international removals process including what you can and can’t take to your new country. Part 1 of this article can be found here. Plan your move overseas

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